Operation Day!

I had my operation 2 days ago, but my lazy moms are just now getting around to helping me update everyone.

So, as you probably know, the plan was to go in, cut away that nasty lump and then take a flap of skin from my belly to cover the wound. Well guess what, I don’t like plans so we changed it up.

Dr. Bausch started the operation and noticed that the lump was a little further down my leg than everyone thought. It wasn’t over my knee joint, it was just below it. Great news!! She was able to get that lump out of there and had enough skin left to get a great closure without the skin flap! I did great with anesthesia and didn’t have any issues so I decided to mess with everyone as I was coming to.

I waited until no one was paying attention and then “hoooooooooowl”! I scared the doc and almost made her fall out of her chair. BOL! Sorry Dr. Bausch. Everyone came over to look at me and I just pretended I had no idea what was going on. I would wait a few minutes, or sometimes even wait until someone new came in and then, “hooooooooooooooowl”! They would come look at me and again I just looked at them like I had no clue. Haha, you humans are so gullible!

Moms came to pick me up and I hobbled out of the kennel to the door. As soon as I saw my mommies I decided I didn’t want to walk anymore, and I slipped and fell on the tile floor. Seriously, why do you guys make things so slippery right after you cut into my leg? How does that make any sense? Anyway, my spill caused my incision to start to bleed a little. Doc came out to look at it and said it was all good, but between the spill and wanting to make my mommies feel bad for me I still wouldn’t walk. I did what they call my “sack of potatoes” routine. A couple of techs came out and helped me to the car. I don’t appreciate their mocking me about being mobile though. They blew my cover! I wanted moms to think I couldn’t walk on my own so I would get extra treats.

We made the short trip home and I still refused to walk. Haha, mom’s had to carry me through the parking lot and down the stairs. Which, because we didn’t have to do the skin flap was sooooo much easier as we were able to use our awesome Get A Grip harness, but I still looked really pitiful.

I was super hungry so ate a little bit of my yummy fishy kibble, wish they would have given me more, I would have gobbled that up!

I mostly slept the rest of the day. Did a little bit of requisite whining-they needed to know how upset I was about them cutting my leg up. Im all shaved and look a little goofy now. Thanks moms…

still feeling those meds
chewing my new toy. Gotta get the squeaker!
Om nom nom
My temporary roommate, Sally. Thanks for sharing your space with me gurly!

Graphic Pics Below!









Day of surgery

As you can see we still had a bit of oozing and bleeding at this point

close up-day of surgery



Author: Ashley

Mom to an 11 year old Australian Shepherd, Zuzu who was recently diagnosed with fibrosarcoma in her rear right leg. Amputation has been suggested, but we're still trying to figure it all out.

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